2021.01.06 80th anniversary, a message from our president, Yasuyuki Cho

President Talk








Celebrating 80th anniversary in March 2021.

We would like to thank our customers, business partners, and other stakeholders for their patronage.
In March 1941, Yuzaburo Cho started a sewing machine shop to repair industrial sewing machines. Since then, we have manufactured and sold sewing machines and developed automatic bagging systems along with the evolution of the Japanese market. As demand for bag manufacturing equipment expanded, we will also engage in automatic bag manufacturing systems.

We aim to develop innovative products and efficient processes without constantly ceasing to evolve with the times, and we will continue to manufacture machinery for “wrapping” customers’ products with “safety first,” “reliable quality,” and “advanced technology.“

       Newlong Industrial Co., Ltd.
President Yasuyuki Cho

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